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Ascent Label Anything Zebra Label Design
This document describes how to create a label with ZebraDesigner™ for use with Ascent Label Anything.
Requirements: these applications and software must be installed for Ascent Label Anything, Zebra Printers, and their processes to work correctly.
- A device with the Windows Operating System installed
- Zebra Setup Utilities
- A ZPL Designer Program
Label Setup:
- Open Z-Designer and click the Create New Label button.
- Click next until you reach the Label Dimensions section. From here, you select the size of the Label and hit finish.
- You will be taken to a blank template screen. From here, you drag and drop the text elements onto your template layout.
- Take the API name of the field you want the data to merge from and paste it into curly brackets in Z-designer. For example, if you are trying to print an Account Number, you would take the account number API name and write it like this {AccountNumber}. Each field’s API name needs to be in a separate set of curly brackets. Example: {AccountNumber} {Name}.
- The final creation step is to export the template as a PRN file. File, Print, Check the Print to File check box, and finally, hit the print button. This will pull up a save screen. Name the template anything you want; just make sure it is saved as a PRN file.
- Now search for ‘Files’ in Salesforce, select ‘Libraries’ and click New Library to create the folder to store/access your templates.
- You must use the name ‘Label Templates’ when creating this new library. Click Save.
- Once you have created the Library, you can begin adding your Label templates to your ORG. Select the Add Files button and then the Upload Files button. Select the PRN file you want to upload from your PC, and hit the add button.