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Ascent Label Anything Zebra Printer Setup


This document describes the initial setup of the Zebra printer for use with Ascent Label Anything.

Requirements: these applications and software must be installed for Ascent Label Anything, Zebra Printers, and their processes to work correctly.

  1. A device with the Windows Operating System installed
  2. Zebra Setup Utilities
  3. A ZPL Designer Program 

Printer Setup:

Note: Printers must be connected to an internet network via WiFi or Ethernet

  • Once the setup wizard is completed you should now have    which will allow you to setup/manage your printers.

  • If you do not have any printers visible, click on  and follow the wizard to register your printer.

  • To enable WiFi on your printer, click .

    1. Select DHCP to allow your router to set the printer’s IP address, the rest of the values can be left as is. Click
    2. Set your router’s bandwidth
    3. Select your WLAN Country, and Channel List if necessary
    4. Set the ESSID (Wi-Fi Name, Ex: MyRouter) and Security Mode
    5. Select ‘String’ for PSK Type, and enter the PSK name (Wi-Fi Password, Ex: 123)
  • Select the printer that you would like to cloud print from, and click on to import the custom code to allow the printer to access the cloud server.

    • Note: You will need to adjust the highlighted sections to be your current date(day-month-year) and time (based on a 24 Hr clock, or ‘Military Time’).

! U1 setvar "rtc.timezone" "EST5EDT4,M3.2.0/02:00:00,M11.1.0"

! U1 setvar "" "02-06-2023"

! U1 setvar "rtc.time" "15:10:00" !

! U1 setvar "weblink.ip.conn1.location" ""

! U1 setvar "weblink.logging.max_entries" "300"

! U1 setvar "device.reset"

  • Click to upload the code to the printer, and you’re now ready to set up Ascent Label Anything in your org.

Setup Troubleshooting:  The first line (b) is your Time Zone. You must set the Time Zone to match your location.

Example: If you live in New York, USA, in the Eastern Time zone, your setvar string may look like:

 ! U1 setvar “rtc.timezone” “EST5EDT4,M3.2.0/02:00:00,M11”

The “value” string can be translated as follows:

EST5 (Eastern Standard Time; 5 hours off UTC), EDT4 (Eastern Daylight Time; 4 hours off UTC), running from 2AM (/02; fully qualified: /02:00:00) from the second Sunday in March (M3.2.0/02) through 2AM (/02; fully qualified: /02:00:00) on the first Sunday in November (M11.1.0/02). M indicates the Month follows, followed by the two-digit month, the week (1 is the first week in which the specified weekday occurs, and 5 indicates the last week of the month with that weekday) and the weekday (0 is Sunday). The time starts with a slash, and unspecified trailing fields default to zero.

Other examples for locations in the United States:

  • US Central: 

! U1 setvar "rtc.timezone" "CST6CDT5,M3.2.0/02,M11.1.0/"

  • US Mountain:

! U1 setvar "rtc.timezone" "MST7MDT6,M3.2.0/02,M11.1.0/"

  • US Pacific: 

! U1 setvar "rtc.timezone" "PST8PDT7,M3.2.0/02,M11.1.0/"

  • US Alaska: 

! U1 setvar "rtc.timezone" "AST9ADT8,M3.2.0/02,M11.1.0/"

  • US Hawaii: 

! U1 setvar "rtc.timezone" "HST10"

(Information provided by 42Q)

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