Ascent Label Anything Zebra Printer Setup
This document describes the initial setup of the Zebra printer for use with Ascent Label Anything.
Requirements: these applications and software must be installed for Ascent Label Anything, Zebra Printers, and their processes to work correctly.
- A device with the Windows Operating System installed
- Zebra Setup Utilities
- A ZPL Designer Program
Printer Setup:
Note: Printers must be connected to an internet network via WiFi or Ethernet
- Go to and click to begin installing Zebra Setup Utilities. Once done, follow the instructions from the wizard.
- Once the setup wizard is completed you should now have which will allow you to setup/manage your printers.
- If you do not have any printers visible, click on and follow the wizard to register your printer.
- To enable WiFi on your printer, click .
- Select DHCP to allow your router to set the printer’s IP address, the rest of the values can be left as is. Click
- Set your router’s bandwidth
- Select your WLAN Country, and Channel List if necessary
- Set the ESSID (Wi-Fi Name, Ex: MyRouter) and Security Mode
- Select ‘String’ for PSK Type, and enter the PSK name (Wi-Fi Password, Ex: 123)
- Select the printer that you would like to cloud print from, and click on to import the custom code to allow the printer to access the cloud server.
- Note: You will need to adjust the highlighted sections to be your current date(day-month-year) and time (based on a 24 Hr clock, or ‘Military Time’).
! U1 setvar "rtc.timezone" "EST5EDT4,M3.2.0/02:00:00,M11.1.0"
! U1 setvar "" "02-06-2023"
! U1 setvar "rtc.time" "15:10:00" !
! U1 setvar "weblink.ip.conn1.location" ""
! U1 setvar "weblink.logging.max_entries" "300"
! U1 setvar "device.reset"
- Click to upload the code to the printer, and you’re now ready to set up Ascent Label Anything in your org.
Setup Troubleshooting: The first line (b) is your Time Zone. You must set the Time Zone to match your location.
Example: If you live in New York, USA, in the Eastern Time zone, your setvar string may look like:
! U1 setvar “rtc.timezone” “EST5EDT4,M3.2.0/02:00:00,M11”
The “value” string can be translated as follows:
EST5 (Eastern Standard Time; 5 hours off UTC), EDT4 (Eastern Daylight Time; 4 hours off UTC), running from 2AM (/02; fully qualified: /02:00:00) from the second Sunday in March (M3.2.0/02) through 2AM (/02; fully qualified: /02:00:00) on the first Sunday in November (M11.1.0/02). M indicates the Month follows, followed by the two-digit month, the week (1 is the first week in which the specified weekday occurs, and 5 indicates the last week of the month with that weekday) and the weekday (0 is Sunday). The time starts with a slash, and unspecified trailing fields default to zero.
Other examples for locations in the United States:
- US Central:
! U1 setvar "rtc.timezone" "CST6CDT5,M3.2.0/02,M11.1.0/"
- US Mountain:
! U1 setvar "rtc.timezone" "MST7MDT6,M3.2.0/02,M11.1.0/"
- US Pacific:
! U1 setvar "rtc.timezone" "PST8PDT7,M3.2.0/02,M11.1.0/"
- US Alaska:
! U1 setvar "rtc.timezone" "AST9ADT8,M3.2.0/02,M11.1.0/"
- US Hawaii:
! U1 setvar "rtc.timezone" "HST10"
(Information provided by 42Q)