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Packing Orders Functionality
Required Apps: Ascent Order Management, Ascent Inventory Management
Required Permissions: Ascent Inventory and Ascent Order Management
OM: Order Management
IM: Inventory Management
Benefits of using both permissions for a single user :
- When a user packs the order in OM, it will see all the available inventory records in IM to select the inventory of its choice.
- Once a user selects the inventory and completes the packing of the order, it will deplete the inventory in IM and create a production transaction record on the related product record.
- If the product is serialized, then it will allow the user to select the specific serial numbers from the available inventory in IM.
- Also, users will have flexibility to enter the serials in bulk and selected serials will be validated against the available serials in inventory before packing the order.
- After serials are packed, they will be automatically assigned to the customer account, removed from inventory, and the “is in inventory” checkbox will be unchecked in IM.
To learn more about Packing an Order click here