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AFP Custom Settings

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Ascent Financial Platform (AFP) Custom Settings

Custom Setting Name Field Type Source Object for JE Description of functionality
Create JE for Applied Credit Checkbox Credit Memo When a credit memo is created and saved, it can then be applied to for example, a sales invoice. When this is done, an applied credit record is created, and optionally, if this admin setting is checked, a journal entry is also created.
Create JE for Applied Payment Checkbox Applied Cash Receipts Often times, a customer sends in a payment, and it is not immediately applied to an invoice. If this admin settings is checked, then when the payment is applied, a journal entry will be created.
Create JE for Count Journal Checkbox Count Line Companies will periodically perform cycle counts or physical inventory. That can be accomplished via Count Journals or through the Ascent Mobile Menu. When a count line is entered, and when there is a material variance, meaning what was counted for an item/lot/loc is different than what was in inventory for the item/lot/loc, a journal entry will be created, if this custom setting is checked.
Create JE for Credit Note Checkbox Sales Invoice Line Credit notes can be issued due to defective merchandise, customers returning material due to lack of need, or any of a number of other reasons. When a credit note is issued, this enabled custom setting will create a journal entry for that credit note.
Create JE for Customer Returns Checkbox Return Archive Line When a customer return line is processed after it was created as a result of a customer wishing to return merchandise, a journal entry can be created, if the custom setting is checked. Please note, this is for line items labeled “returns”, not for those labeled “RMA Line”.
Create JE for Inventory Adjustment Checkbox Movement Line Inventory Adjustments are made for any number of reasons, such as theft, shrinkage, loss, or destructive testing. If an adjustment is made, whether adding to inventory or subtracting from it, a journal entry can be made if this admin setting is checked.
Create JE for Packed SO Checkbox Shipped/Packed Sales Order Line When you are on the Sales Order screen, or if on the Ascent Mobile Menu, and you are packing out a sales order, if this admin setting is checked, then Ascent will create a journal entry.
Create JE for Payable Invoice Checkbox Received PO Line When you are on the Purchase Order screen, you can create and save a vendor invoice (voucher). If this setting is checked, then Ascent will create a journal entry.
Create JE for Payment from Customer Checkbox Cash Entries When a customers pay their invoices, and the cash entries are recorded and saved, journal entries can be created if this setting is checked.
Create JE for Production Work Order Checkbox PWO Archive Line When a production work order quantity is completed, whether it is the full amount or a partial quantity to build, a journal entry based on the components consumes and the assembly finished, will result in a journal entry being created, if this custom setting is checked.
Create JE for Received PO Checkbox Received PO Line Purchase Orders can be received in Ascent either on the normal desktop function or through Ascent Mobile Menu. In either case, when received, whether full or partial, journal entries can be created if this custom setting is selected and checked.
Create JE for Refund to Customer Checkbox Refund There are instances where a customer needs to receive a refund. When that refund is process, a journal entry can be created, but only if this custom setting is checked.
Create JE for RMA from Customer Checkbox RMA Line Archive When an customer RMA Line is processed after it was created as a result of a customer wishing to return merchandise, a journal entry can be created, if the custom setting is checked. Please note, this is NOT for lines entitled “return” lines.
Create JE for RMA to Vendor Checkbox RMA Line Archive When a vendor RMA Line is processed after it was created as a result of the desire to return merchandise back to the vendor, a journal entry can be created, if the custom setting is checked. Please note, this is NOT for lines entitled “return” lines.
Create JE for Sales Invoice Checkbox Invoiced Line After a sales order is packed, a user can create a sales invoice, to bill the client. When that invoice is created, a journal entry will be created assuming this custom setting is enabled.
Create JE for Shipment Tracker Checkbox Sales Order Through the use of Shipment Tracker, Ascent can create a journal entry to recognize for general ledger purposes, the cost to ship the product. This can be activated with this custom setting checked.
Create JE for Vendor Returns Checkbox Return Archive Line When a vendor return is processed as a result of creating one from a received purchase order, a journal entry will be created, if this setting is checked. Please note, this is for line items labeled “returns”, not for those labeled “RMA Line”.
Create JE for Work Order Checkbox Work Order Completion Lines When a work order’s lines have been completed (even if only some of them), and the line has either been checked to Consume Inventory? or Create Inventory?, then if this custom setting is enabled, Ascent will create a journal entry.
CreateWSLines Class Name Text(80) For Ascent developer use only.
CreateWSLines Name Space Text(40) For Ascent developer use only.
Credit Notes Update Last Payment Date Checkbox Sales Invoice There are several ways to “pay” an invoice. One way is to have a credit applied to the sales invoice. If this custom setting is enabled, the Last Payment Date field on the Sales Invoice record is updated with Created Date of Applied Credit.
Disable Account Balance Updates Checkbox Account This custom setting would be used (checkbox selected) if a company wishes to create its own customization to update the Account Balance field, which is on the Account object. If enabled, the balance on account is NOT calculated after insert/update Sales Invoice, Credit Memo, Cash Entry, Sales Order. It would be $0.00.
Do Not Create Payment CE at refund Checkbox Refund, Cash Entry When a refund is given to a customer, the system will always create a Refund record. If this admin setting is not enabled, meaning it has a blank value, a Cash Entry and a Refund are created. If enabled, only a Refund is created. The Cash Entry record will not have a negative value. In order to know if a Cash Entry record is as a result of a refund, you must see a Refund record associated with the Cash Entry record.
Link Packed JE Line with Invoice Line Checkbox Sales Order, Sales Order Line, Packed Sales Order Line, Sales Invoice Line If enabled, you can only delete a packed sales order line if a sales invoice line does not exist. This would ensure that the sales invoice line has a reference back to the sales order from which it was generated. The packed sales order line can be deleted only if the sales invoice is voided.
Precision for Journal Entries Number(1,2) Journal Entry, Journal Entry Line When a journal entry is created, there exists the possibility of rounding. For example, if the value in this field is 2, and the value of the journal entry line is 3.446, that number will be rounded to 3.45.
Reference Item on Journal Lines Checkbox Journal Entry Line If this is enabled, then the journal entry line will contain the item that has been packed on a sales order or received on a purchase order. This would be useful when trying to research or reconcile inventory movement.
Reference Packed Line on Journal Lines Checkbox Journal Entry Line This custom setting allows for more tracking of the source of a journal entry. If enabled, the field Packed Sales Order Line on Journal Entry Line is filled with Packed Line ID, so you can track a Journal Entry Line back to the originating Packed Sales Order Line.
Status for Creation of CE Journals Text(25) Journal Entry, Journal Entry Line The Status field on a Cash Entry record can be enhanced by a system administrator. Multiple or single values can be added. If this admin setting is filled in with a value, and that value is one from the Status picklist, then the Journal Entries and Journal Entry Lines are created only for Cash Entries with this status.
Use Entity Currency for Journal Entries Checkbox Journal Entry, Journal Entry Line The use of entities can allow a single ORG to house multiple divisions/branches/offices of companies, or types of legal entities. This would be useful if a company is multinational, and has many currencies. By selecting this custom setting, journal entries will be based on the entity of the transaction being performed.
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