Cash Management
Overview – Salesforce Cash Management in Ascent Solutions
This document will serve to illustrate the usage of the Cash Management tab for better Salesforce Cash Management.
Definition: This versatile routine allows for applying multiple payments/credits across multiple documents. It has search capabilities, also, allowing you to hone in on specific cash/credits and specific invoices.
Processes: there are several processes that this document will review.
Let’s start with a simple posting of a cash receipt. It can be done in two ways. The first way would be to access the Cash Management tab:
Then, select the Add Cash button. You will be brought to this screen:
Since on the previous screen, no account information was entered, you need to enter it here, along with the amount of the cash and any internal notes and references. Then, hit Save:
Note that the Bank field was left blank. By not entering/selecting any data in this field, Ascent will use the default general ledger bank account for this cash posting. You can search the field and look at the general ledger accounts available.
After hitting save you will be brought to the initial Cash management screen which will display data from the account. Note CE-00000850 – the cash entry that we just added:
We’ve just added some invoices to illustrate capabilities of Cash Management. To view all Cash/Credits and Invoices, select the account and then hit Search. You’ll see this screen:
Let’s try the function named Apply. It will allow us to apply a cash/credit item to an invoice. In our example, let’s select CE-00000849 ($23.45) and SI-000910 (also $23.45):
Now, hit Apply. You will then notice that both items have been removed from the screen, as they no longer can be matched/applied, since they are fully consumed.
You can also apply a cash item which has already been partially applied to an invoice. Let’s check CE-00000707 (amount = $777.00, balance = $666.00) to SI-000912:
After hitting Apply, you’ll see this – both items are gone from the screen.
If you have a check but are unclear as to who sent the check, you can search for the amount of the check in the invoice amount field (or invoice balance) and see the account associated with it:
After hitting Search, you’ll see this (assuming there is a match):
Now, select Burlington Textiles Corp of America in the Account field and hit Search:
In our example, we’ve already entered a $111.00 cash receipt. You would normally now enter the cash against the account, and then perform the match we are doing now:
After hitting Apply, those two items will be removed from the screen:
We can apply a cash entry to multiple invoices. Here’s the current cash and invoice situation for an account:
Let’s select the cash entry with a balance of $4,966.00 and attempt to apply it to SI-000913 ($300) and SI-000914 ($1000):
After hitting Apply, we see that the CE-00000565 balance has been reduced by $1,300.00 (the sum of the two invoices to which the CE was applied) to $3,666.00 and both invoices are no longer available.
You can also apply multiple cash entries against a single invoice. We’ve selected two cash entries to be applied to a single invoice.
After hitting Apply, we see that the two cash entries are gone, and the sales invoice balance has been reduced by the cash entries:
You may have a situation where you have checked multiple cash entries / invoices, but then decide that you wish to cancel this transaction. Look at this example:
Now, you may go into each one and unclick the checkbox, or simply select the box Clear Checked Boxes. When you do, those boxes will be unchecked.
Let’s try to apply a cash entry to a sales invoice by keying in the amounts of both:
Next, hit Apply:
Check the boxes for each and hit Apply:
After hitting Apply, they both disappear from the screen. The Cash Entry because it is no longer applicable, and the sales invoice because it no longer watches the Invoice Balance of 641.46.
After clearing the screen, let’s see what’s left. The sales invoice’s balance has been reduced by 132.00, and the cash entry is gone.
The Match functionality allows you to compare cash/credits to invoices and give you information regarding their compatibility.
Click on the box for the CE-0000070 cash entry (mount = $8,000, balance = $6,237)
This message appears because the cash/credit balance is greater than / equal to the sum of the sales invoice balances.
Now use the Clear Checked Boxes to clear the checkboxes, and then click the sales invoice, SI-000915, and you see the sales invoice highlighted in green because the Total Cash Balance >= Total Balance Invoice.
Where this functionality becomes very useful is comparing multiple entries. Look at this screen:
Let’s check CE-00000704 ($79 balance) and SI-000915:
Hit Match. Notice that the items are highlighted in red, also giving the message “Total Amount Cash/Balance does not match Total Balance Invoice”. $79 is NOT >= $2,500.00.
Now, let’s also click CE-00000565 (balance = $3,666.00):
In this example, $79 + $3,666 is >= $2,500.
Now that we’ve been given the “green light”, let’s click Apply and see the results:
The invoice selected is now gone, having been “paid”. The $79 cash entry is now gone, and the $3,666 cash entry is now reduced.