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Release Notes – Ascent Rental 1.159
General Information about the Release
The main focus of this Ascent Rental release was to improve the UI part and apply Lightning styles to the existing Custom pages. We brought a major improvement by enabling Trade Agreements with multi-currency, a specific setting has to be enabled to benefit from it.
We highly recommend you perform diligent regression testing in your Sandbox for all of your customizations and daily operations, before upgrading your Salesforce Production org.
Opportunities layout Improvements
- Button “Clone Opp&Lines” is renamed to “Clone Rental Opp&Lines”
- Sales and Rental Opportunity Lines sections now have Lightning styles applied. “ViewOO” (view Sales Lines) and “Rental Opportunity Lines” (view Rental lines) visual forces can be added into a separate tab using the Visualforce component on the Opportunity Page builder.
Improvements for Quotes layout
- Following buttons on Quotes are renamed:
- “Quote2PDF” renamed to “Rental Quote2PDF”
- Following buttons on Quotes are renamed:
- Sales and Rental Quote Lines sections now have Lightning styles applied. “ViewQuotes” (view Sales Lines) and “Rent Quote Lines” (view Rental Lines) visual forces can be added into a separate tab using the Visualforce component on the Opportunity Page builder.
Improvements for Sales Orders layout
- Following buttons are renamed:
- “Auto Pack QR Lines” renamed to “Auto Pack Rental Lines”
- “Clone Order” renamed to “Clone Rental Order”
- “Invoice” renamed to “Rental Invoice”
- “Pack Order” renamed to “Pack Rental Order Lines”
- “Picking List” renamed to “Rental Picking List”
- “Print Pack Slip” renamed to “Rental Pack Slip”
- “Re-Stage Order” renamed to “Re-Stage Rental Order”
- “Stage Order” renamed to “Stage Rental Order”
- Following buttons are renamed:
- Sales SO Lines and Rental SO Lines sections now have Lightning styles applied. Sales and Rental Opportunity Lines sections now have Lightning styles applied. “ViewSO” (view Sales Lines) and “Rental Lines View” (view Rental lines) visual forces can be added into a separate tab using the Visualforce component on the Opportunity Page builder.
- Rental Staging and Re-Staging screens now have Lightning styles applied
- Serial Number selector is added on Sales Order Staging and Re-Staging screens
- Pack Rental Order Lines page now has Lightning styles applied
Improvements for Returns
- Process Return Lines screen now has Lightning styles applied
Improvements for Generate Invoice in Arrears
- Generate Invoice in Arrears page now has Lightning styles applied
Improvements for Rental Master in Lightning
- Some UI improvements are made to Rental Master page in Lightning: now columns are better aligned, all spinners on the page have the same Lightning style, standard Lightning pagination is added on the bottom of the page
Improvements for API version on classes/ pages/ triggers
- Updated the API version to the most recent one, SF API v.53.0, in the entire Rental package. Customers using Ascent Rental 1.127 or earlier should be upgraded to Ascent ERP 4.11 and the latest Ascent Rental release by Summer 23 Salesforce rollout.
Improvements for Trade Agreement assignment in a multi-currency Org
- Trade Agreements are assigned to the Rental/ Combined Opportunity, Quote or Sales Order, by following new rules to accommodate a multi-currency environment.
- IMPORTANT: The functionality is controlled by a new Custom Setting, this needs to be enabled in order to use Rental Trade Agreements correctly: “AscentQR__Use_multi_Currency_TA_in_Rental__c”
- A Trade Agreement is going to be assigned to a specific line by following the pre-existing rules plus a new one: the currency on the line needs to match the currency of the Trade Agreement.
Improvement for Field Sets on Opportunity, Quote, Sales Order Lines
- Improved the Field Set functionality for the below Field Sets:
- Opportunity line Field Set: “Rental Opp Lines View Fields”. The field set includes all the fields from the Opportunity Line and some related records.
- Improved the Field Set functionality for the below Field Sets:
- IMPORTANT: Field Set is used to add new fields to the Canvas and Page configuration is used to order the Fields:
- Quote Line Field Set: “Rental Quote Lines View Fields”. The field set includes all the fields from the Quote Line and some related records.
- IMPORTANT: Field Set is used to add new fields to the Canvas and Page configuration is used to order the Fields:
- Sales Order line Field Set: “Rental Order Lines View”. The field set includes all the fields from the Sales Order Line and some related records.
- For new customers, a default order of fields has been set on the Field Sets. The order can be adjusted to meet the business requirements of your company. For existing customers, the existing order of the fields is not impacted.
- There is a list of Fields, “Calculated Fields”, that are visible on Opportunity, Quote and Sales Order. These fields are visible by default despite there not being any field added to the Field Set. “Unit Price”, it’s one of the most important fields, is calculated using existing rules around Trade Agreements and it’s displaying the price per each Item added.
Improvement for Page Configuration on Opportunity, Quote, Sales Order
- IMPORTANT: Page Configuration is used to order new or existing Fields, to override the Field Names or to allow the user to Edit a Field on the view lines page :
- The Fields can be ordered using the “Reorder” column. The order needs to be adjusted whenever a new field is added to the Canvas.
- IMPORTANT:When a new field is added using Field Set, its order needs to be set in the Page Configuration, once the order is saved the operation doesn’t need to be repeated.
- The Field Name can be overridden by the “Column Display Name” from Page Configuration on Opportunity, Quote and Sales Order.
- Result on the Opportunity Lines view
- Output checkbox set to FALSE makes a field Editable in the view Lines and Output checkbox set to TRUE makes a field Read Only.
- IMPORTANT:To ensure the proper functioning of the system, we recommend that you keep the following fields as Read Only. Allowing the user to Edit these fields may result in unexpected behavior or errors. If you need to make changes to these fields, please contact our support team for assistance.
- PBSI__Final_Total_Price__c
- AscentQR__Period__c
- AscentQR__Duration__c
- AscentQR__Delivery_Date_Out__c
- AscentQR__Return_Date_In__c
- PBSI__Line_Status__c
- AscentQR__Purpose__c