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Ascent ERP Custom Settings

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Ascent ERP Custom Settings

Custom Setting Name Field Type Object(s) Affected Description of functionality
Add separate lines on Configure screen Checkbox Sales Order Line When an item is marked as Configurable, and that item is added to the Sales Order, this feature adds each additional configurable option on to the Sales Order as a new line and links the line to the parent object that created the configuration line.
AllocQty by Bd Lines Starting Queries Nr Number(18, 0) Bom Depletion Line This is a setting used by Ascent development only, to avoid hitting governor limits when calculating allocated qty in an org with many sales order lines; should not be used by customers.
AllocQty by So Lines Starting Queries Nr Number(18, 0) Sales Order Line This is a setting used by Ascent development only, to avoid hitting governor limits when calculating allocated qty in an org with many sales order lines; should not be used by customers.
Allow Items not from Order on RMA Checkbox RMA (Case) / Sales Order / Purchase Order Allows the user to add extra items on to an RMA that were not on the SO that the RMA came from. This also relates to PO, in that you can then allow an item not on the PO to be on the RMA.
Allow manual update of Qty Received Checkbox Purchase Order Line Enable this setting if you want to manually update qty received on a purchase order line, for any reason. Usually, qty received cannot be updated manually because it is updated when order is packed.
Allow more than one SO for an Opp Checkbox Opportunity / Sales Order Default behavior is that only 1 Sales Order can be created from the Opportunity, This allows multiple Sales Orders to be created from a single opportunity. This can be used, for example, when a client wants to use Opportunities as a sales pipeline.
Allow multiple items with same name? Checkbox Item Master Allow the same item name to be used for different items; this is not recommended, however, as it will cause confusion with the users.
Allow multiple locations with same name? Checkbox Location Allow the same location name to be used for different locations; this is not recommended, however, as it will cause confusion with the users.
Allow Packing 0 Qty Orders Checkbox Sales Order This allows sales order lines that have zero (0) quantity needed to be displayed on the PackSO screen. Several Ascent clients have their own custom code to update the quantity needed during the packing screen, so this custom setting enables the display of those lines. If you have a need for this, please contact your Ascent Engagement Manager.
Allow packing more than qty needed on SO Checkbox Sales Order Allows you to pack more than quantity needed (remaining) on SO Line. This is useful when a specific lot has just a little more than the quantity required, and thus allows you to empty the lot of remaining quantities.
Allow Quote Editing when has SO Checkbox Quote / Sales Order Default behavior is that you cannot edit a quote after you have created a Sales Order from it. By enabling this custom setting, you are allowing the user to make amends to the quote.
Always show serial number on pack SO Checkbox Packed Sales Order Line Displays the Serial Number prompt on the Pack SO screen, whether the item is serialized or not. This is useful if serial numbers are not assigned to items in inventory, and only determined at the time an item is picked. If an item is classified as serialized, then the system will edit against the serial numbers entered, to ensure that you are pulling from correct serial numbers. If the item is not serialized, then you can enter any serial number you wish. This should be used in conjunction with another custom setting, “Create SNT at Pack time for all items”.
Apply Freight before Sales Tax on PO Checkbox Sales Order This setting is used to calculate Order total on purchase order. if this setting is enabled, freight is applied before tax on calculation of order total.
Apply Shipp Cost before Sales Tax on Inv Checkbox Sales Invoice Applies the Shipping Charged before the sales tax on the standard Ascent invoice object.
Apply ShippCost before SalesTax on Quote Checkbox Quote Applies the Shipping Charged before the sales tax on the standard Ascent quote object.
Apply Shipp Cost before Sales Tax on SO Checkbox Sales Order If this is enabled, Shipping Charged is applied before tax when calculating order total on sales order.
AutoGenerate Serials on Inventory Adj Checkbox Serial Number Tracker / Movement Line If this setting is TRUE, when the user goes to an item that is serialized and the checkbox on the item master says “Auto Generate Serial Numbers” is TRUE, THEN we will auto generate serial numbers for this inventory adjustment widget only. Not for movement lines of type inventory adjustment. If this setting is TRUE, when the user goes to an item that is serialized and the checkbox on the item master says “Auto Generate Serial Numbers is FALSE, THEN we will not auto generate serial numbers for this inventory adjustment widget.
AutoGenerate Serials on Receive PO Checkbox Serial Number Tracker / Movement Line / Received Purchase Order Line / Purchase Order Line If this setting is TRUE and Item “Auto Generate Serial Numbers” == TRUE then the serials will be auto generated on PO Receive based on Item Serial Number Prefix, Serial Number Length, Serial Number Suffix, Serial Number start number fields.
Auto Update Address on SO Checkbox Sales Order If this setting is TRUE then the Sales Order “Billing Information” is updated by Sales Order “Customer Billing Information” each time the Sales Order Customer is updated.
BOM Versioning Enabled Checkbox BOM / Item Master Allows users to create multiple versions of a BOM. Adds the BOM version drop down box on the Sales Order Lines VisualForce page. One of the BOMs must be the “Default” BOM, and that is the one that gets used in the rollup of cost and sales price. That is also the one that is used when creating a production work order, unless overt action is taken to override it.
Break non Phantom BOM on Receiving Checkbox Purchase Order This allows a buyer to purchase a BOM-non Phantom and when the PO receipt is done, all of the components of the BOM-non phantom will be prompted for. When performing the Receive PO, you then must click “Disassemble” button in order to break it down to the components.
Calculate Tax at Line Items Checkbox Quote Line If this setting is true then the Sales Price on quote line is filled with Total Tax on quote, if is true on sales order, invoice, credit memo, quote on the final total we use the field Total Tax Value (this is a sum of Tax Value from the lines) and if is false we use Sales Tax to calculate the tax value.
Calculate UOM when placing POs from MP Checkbox Purchase order if this setting is enabled, when issuing pos from master planner, unit of measure is used on poline based on the qty requested for the PO line. so if qty requested is 100 and there is a unit of measure box with qty 100, then the poline will have UOm = box and qty =1 .
Carry Qty from BOM to Opportunity Checkbox Opportunity Line If bom line is marked as Add Separate and has a qty, then if this setting is enabled, carry that qty to the separate lines added on Opportunity. If this is not enabled, qty will always be zero.
Carry Qty from BOM to Quote Checkbox Quote Line If bom line is marked as Add Separate and has a qty, then if this setting is enabled, carry that qty to the separate lines added on Quote. If this is not enabled, qty will always be zero.
Carry Qty from BOM to Sales Order Checkbox Sales Order Line If BOM line is marked as Add Separate and has a qty, then if this setting is enabled carry that qty to the separate lines added on Sales Order. If this is not enabled, qty will always be zero.
Change Location to Ship Loc on SNT Checkbox Serial Number Tracker Changes the location on the serial number tracker to the ship location.
Check TA Currency for PO Checkbox Purchase Order Enables the option to include currency in the trade agreements; this allows pricing on orders to be applied using different currencies, based on the currency of the order.
Check TA Currency for SO/Quote/Opp Checkbox Opportunity / Quote / Sales Order Enables the option to include currency in the trade agreements; this allows pricing on orders to be applied using different currencies, based on the currency of the order.
Complete PWO in Quarantined lots Checkbox Lot If this setting is enabled it will allow completing production work orders in quarantined lots and also in released lots. By setting this, may reduce the time it takes to process a completed production work order and inventory movement by completing the PWO directly to the appropriate type lot.
Create New Order for Replacement RMA Checkbox RMA Line / Case When adding a line to an RMA/return, the RMA Line Status is “Replacement” or “Replace-from Order” and this custom setting is checked, that RMA line will create a new sales order. This becomes useful if a completely new set of shipping documents (picklist or pack slip) are required.
Create Received Lines for Drop Ship PO Checkbox Received Purchase Order Line Makes the system create received sales order lines when a drop ship PO is processed as complete.
Create Shipped Lines for Drop Ship SO Checkbox Shipped Sales Order Line Makes the system create shipped lines in the SO when a drop ship SO is processed as complete.
Create SNT at Pack time for all items Checkbox Serial Number Tracker Create Serial Number tracker record when a SO is packed; does not require that the serial# is already in Ascent. The item itself does not have to be serially controlled, meaning that “Serialize?” prompt on the item master can be blank. However, if the item is serially controlled, then the serial# entered must already be in Ascent and available to pack. Important note: this only works for item type = “item”.
Create SNT at ship time for BOMs Checkbox Serial Number Tracker Create Serial Number tracker record when a SO is packed; does not require that the serial# is already in Ascent. The item itself does not have to be serially controlled, meaning that “Serialize?” prompt on the item master can be blank. However, if the item is serially controlled, then the serial# entered must already be in Ascent and available to pack. Important note: this only works for item type = “BOM” and BOM-type = “BOM-non Phantom”.
Days for usage calculation Number(18, 0) Shipped Sales Order Line Enter here the number of days you want to be used in the Usage for last n days field, in the item master.
Default Field on Enhanced Lookup Contact Text(255) Contact If this setting IS NOT NULL the search on the Ascent lookup is executed by the field name defined for it.
Default Field on Enhanced Lookup Item Text(200) Item Here, you put the field name that you want to be the default for the Ascent enhanced lookup (like item description – you would put description__c in this field).
Disable ParentLot Creation/Functionality Checkbox Lot Enable this custom setting if you don’t want to use parent lots in your org.
Disable price change on Rec PO Line Checkbox Purchase Order Line / Received Purchase Order Line If this custom setting is enabled the Price on Received Purchase Order Line is not updated when the Price on Purchase Order Line is changed; this feature allows the user to see what the PO price was at the time of the PO receipt. If the PO price changed after a receipt, any receipt prior to the change in PO price would not be changed.
Disable trade agreements for Opp Checkbox Opportunity If this custom setting is enabled, Ascent will disable the use of trade agreements on opportunities. Prices will either have to be manually entered or will come from the sales price on the item master.
Disable Trade Agreements for So Lines Checkbox Sales Order Line If this custom setting is enabled, Ascent will disable the use of trade agreements on Sales Order lines. Prices will either have to be manually entered or will come from the sales price on the item master.
Disable update inventory in Receive PO Checkbox None Please be careful when enabling this setting. You can do this only if you have a similar trigger in your org that updates inventory on receive PO. Please contact Ascent before enabling this setting.
Display Item Cost on TO Line Checkbox Transfer Order Line If this setting is checked, an “Item Cost” column will be added and displayed on each Transfer Order Line. The default unchecked will not display this column on Transfer Order Lines. This will allow the user to view the value of the material being transferred from one location to another, and also know, if the In Transit location is a vehicle, the value of material in that vehicle.
Don’t change SoLine Q.Pack. on Drop Ship Checkbox Sales Order Line If this custom setting is enabled the “Qty Shipped” field on So Line level is not modified when a Drop Ship PO is created from Sales Order.
Don’t Display Negative ATP Checkbox Sales Order Line If this setting is turned on, then atp will be displayed as 0 whenever the actual atp is negative.
Don’t Fill SO Addresses by Cust. Account Checkbox Sales Order If this custom setting is enabled the Sales Order Address information is filled by Sales Order’s Customer Address information.
Don’t set Quote Deliv Address Checkbox Quote If this custom setting is enabled the Quote Delivery Address is no longer set by Account or Address Tracker when a Quote is inserted/updated.
Don’t show BOM depl allocation item grid Checkbox None Don’t show BOM Depletion Allocations for Child Items, when drop-shipping BOM Phantom.
Do Not Add Credit Lines From RMA Checkbox Sales Order Do not add credit lines on to the SO from an RMA.
Do Not Allow Display More Qty Pack Checkbox Sales Order Do not close the SO when the lines are packed, leaves the SO open so you can manually close it down.
Do not allow overcomplete PWO Checkbox Production Work Order Do not allow quantity complete on a PWO to be greater than the quantity to build.
Do not allow Over Receive Checkbox Purchase Order, Purchase Order Line, Received Purchase Order Line Do not allow the quantity received to be greater than the quantity ordered on a PO Line.
Do Not calculate ATP Checkbox None When this is enabled, the calculation of ATP on the SO line,PWO line is disabled.
Do not calculate Qty Staged Checkbox None When this is enabled, the calculation of Staged Quantity on the item object is disabled.
Do not Close CJ when lines approved Checkbox Count Journal / Count Journal Line Do not close the Count Journal if all lines have been approved; If you are first entering a CJ, and the very first line is approved, it will close the CJ.
Do not close SO when all lines Packed Checkbox Sales Order Do not close the SO if all of the SO lines have been packed; some clients want to leave it in an unclosed state until they deem it closed.
Do Not Complete on Email PO Checkbox Purchase Order If this custom setting is enabled the Purchase Order will not be completed on Email PO.
Do not create BDL for PO phantom BOMS Checkbox Bom Depletion Line, Purchase Order If this setting is enabled, when adding a phantom bom to a purchase order line, no bom depletion lines will be created, meaning that on receive po page you will not get the bom components and not have the ability to receive them.
Do not delete records on line reversals Checkbox Received Purchase Order Line If this setting is enabled then, when doing PO reversal or SO reversal, the packed/received lines will not be deleted, instead we will create new packed lines and marked existing ones as Reversed.
Do Not Include PO for ATP Checkbox Sales Order Line, Opportunity Line, Quote Line, Item If this setting is enabled, PO lines are not included in ATP calculation.
Do not override price on SOline if 0 Checkbox Sales Order Line, Item If this is enabled then when adding an soline with zero price, we will not get the price from item master and put it on the SO line.
Do not populate address on PO Checkbox Purchase Order If this is checked then do not populate purchase order Delivery Company, Delivery address from Delivery Account.
Do not populate PO Due Date by default Checkbox Purchase Order If this custom setting is enabled the default value for Purchase Order “Due Date” field will not be populated.
Do not populate Serials on Process RMA Checkbox Serial Number Tracker If this custom setting is enabled the serials from Sales Order or Purchase Order will not be pre-populated on the “Process RMA Lines” screen.
Do not populate SO Ship Date by default Checkbox Sales Order If this custom setting is enabled the default value for Sales Order “Ship Date” field will not be populated.
Do not round qty in Bom lines page Checkbox BOM Line If this custom setting is enabled the Quantity field value is not rounded on Bom Lines view.
Do not set Currency by Account Checkbox Sales Order If this is checked on create sales order the currency will be from organization default.
Do not set Lot currency from Location Checkbox Lot Use this setting if you do not want to set Lot currency from Location currency when a new lot is created.
Do not set SO Deliv Addr by Addr Tracker Checkbox Sales Order Enable this setting if you don’t want delivery address on sales order to be taken from Address Tracker.
Do Not Show Cost on SO Opp Quote Lines Checkbox Quote Line, Opp Line, SO Line Hides the cost field on these VF pages.
Do Not Show Inventory Adjustments Mobile Checkbox Ascent Mobile Menu If this custom setting is enabled, the Inventory Adjustments option is not displayed on Ascent Mobile Menu. This would be useful if you do not want warehouse personnel who use the Ascent Mobile Menu.
Do Not Show Lots with Qty less than Number(14, 4) Lot This is used when customers do not want to show lots with a quantity less than “x” when packing out.
DO Not Show Pack for Drop Ship Lines Checkbox None Check this if you don’t want to show Pack SO button on Sales Order Pack screen for items allowed for Drop Ship.
Do Not Show Zero Lots in Packing Screen Checkbox PackSO screen If “Y”, then lots with zero quantity will not appear in PackSO or FFPackSO.
Do not update item Cost from BOM Checkbox Item Master Enable this if you don’t want your item’s Cost to be updated from related BOM.
Do not update RMA status after process Checkbox Case Enable this setting if you don’t want RMA status to change to Escalated after rma lines are processed.
Do Not Use Acc Currency on Opportunity Checkbox Opportunity If this custom setting is enabled the Currency on the Opportunity is not set by Opportunity’s Account.
Do Not Use Default Unit Of Measure Checkbox None Enable this setting to disable adding Item’s Default Unit Of Measure to the available UOMs picklists throughout Ascent Pages, but be used as an indication of the initial UOM selection in those picklists instead.
Do Not Use Standard Cost as Price In PO? Checkbox PO Line, PO Header If this is set, then Ascent will NOT take the cost form the item master if at standard cost and insert it into the PO line price.
Enable changing qty received for service Checkbox Complete CM PO, Complete PO Check this if you want to be able to change the quantity received on a PO receipt on a service item.
Fields on search results Enhanced Lookup Text Area(255) None This custom setting is no longer used.
Fields on ViewCountLines Text Area(255) View Count Lines VisualForce This custom setting is used by Ascent development if an Ascent client wishes to add new fields to the VF page.
Fields On viewPOLines Text Area(255) View PO Lines VisualForce This custom setting is used by Ascent development if an Ascent client wishes to add new fields to the VF page.
Fields On viewSOLines Text Area(255) View SO Lines VisualForce This custom setting is used by Ascent development if an Ascent client wishes to add new fields to the VF page.
Field to use for Mobile Menu Item Scan Text(200) Item Insert the API field name for the field on the Item master object you want to match against when scanning an item on Mobile Menu. This is used when you do not wish to scan the item number on the Ascent Mobile Menu, but wish to scan some other field that represents the item number, like item code.
Fill SO Line by User Location Checkbox Sales Order Line Set the Sales Order Line Location by the Location set for this custom setting. This feature will put the user’s location (stored on the user location object) on the Sales Order line location field.
Force Complete PWO from Location Checkbox PWO Header, PWO Archive Lines, Inventory Detail, Movement Lines If this is set, then Complete PWO will only allow consumption of material from the location referenced on the PWO header. This feature would be very useful for those companies who have multiple manufacturing or assembly locations from which to draw components.
Force Packing From Location Checkbox Sales Order Line, Packed Sales Order Line, Movement Line Only pack from the “From location” on the sales order, don’t give the user the choice. This is useful when a company has multiple shipping locations, and wants to ensure that the material is shipped from a specific one referenced on the Sales Order header.
Group Invoice Lines by SOline Checkbox Invoiced Line If this setting is enabled, when generating a sales invoice from sales order, sales invoice lines are grouped by sales order line and not by packed line. That means, if you pack a sales order line from 3 lots, and so you generate 3 packed lines, only one invoice line will be created for that SO line.
Hide Lots on Pack Slip Checkbox Pack Slip Print Do not display the lot# on packing slip. If your company is regulated by the FDA (USA), then you would not want to select this option. This would be useful if your company tracks inventory using lots, but has no requirement to provide customers with lot information.
Hide Service Items on Acknowledgement Checkbox Sales Order Line Hides items on the acknowledgement if they are marked as “Is Service”; this should probably be left blank, since an acknowledgement merely is stating that the items on the sales order have been ordered by the client.
Hide Service Items on Pack Slip Checkbox Item Master / Sales Order Hides items on the pack slip if they are marked as “Is Service”; if set to blank, then any service ordered by the client, if performed at the selling company, would not appear on the packing slip.
Hide Service Items on Picking List Checkbox Item Master / Sales Order Hides items on the picking list if they are marked as “Is Service”; if selected, then the service requested would appear on the picklist, possibly alerting the warehouse picker to perform some service to the materials being picked.
Ignore TA when user overriding price Checkbox Opp/Quote/SO Allow complete overriding of price online; do not allow any Trade Agreements to subtract from the overridden price.
Include activity for today/future in ATP Checkbox Sales Order Line, Opportunity Line, QUote Line If there are future POs, we consider all Sos up till the 1st future PO.If there is no future POs, we consider all SOs regardless dates.
Include Opp in ATP? Checkbox Sales Order Line, Opportunity Line, QUote Line Check this if you want to include Opportunities in the calculation of Available To Promise formula; this becomes less useful if you also select Include Quotes in ATP; you would have duplicate requirements on the ATP being taken into consideration.
Include Quotes in ATP? Checkbox Sales Order Line, Opportunity Line, QUote Line Include the items on quotes in the available to promise calculations; this becomes less useful if you also select Include Opp in ATP; you would have duplicate requirements on the ATP being taken into consideration.
Invoice Order for Qty Shipped Checkbox This custom setting is not used anywhere in Ascent.
Is Indexed Item ID Available on Bom DL Checkbox BOM Depletion Line Used by the Ascent Solutions team for internal testing.
Is Indexed Item ID Available on So Lines Checkbox Sales Order Line Used by the Ascent Solutions team for internal testing.
Is Indexed Parent SN Available on SNT Checkbox Serial Number Tracker Used by the Ascent Solutions team for internal testing.
Item Default Unit of Measure Text(255) Item Master Type in what you want the default unit of measure to be on item masters, default is usually EA.
Mac Length Number(18, 0) Serial# Tracker, Item Master Allows user to control how long input for MAC Address on PO Receipts would be, assuming you turn on MAC Address on item master for serialized items.
Manually Select trade agreement on SO Checkbox Sales Order Line If this setting is enabled, a new column will be shown on the VF interface for choosing trade agreement. You can choose from several trade agreements applicable to SO Line .
Mobile – Show Item Description on Table Checkbox Sales Order Line, Purchase Order Line If this custom setting is enabled the system will display the Item Description instead of Item Number on any table from Mobile Menu. The link will still point to item number, even though the item number would not display.
Move SN on CJ if on different location Checkbox Serial# tracker, item detail, item master If this is set to “Y”, then when a serial# is counted in a count journal line, it will allow movement of the serial# from one location to another. Inventory would be reduced in the from location, while being incremented in the to location.
No of Lines shown in Sales Planner /page Number(18, 0) Sales Order Line In this setting, you can configure the number of sales order lines to show in Sales Purchase Planner per page, in case view state of the page is too large to display. Through trial and error, you can arrive at a number of lines that will remove the view state error.
No of lines to show in countlinesview Number(3, 0) Count Lines VF Page This will display only x lines (x = the number you put into the custom setting) at a time on Count Lines VF page; developed due to SF limitations.
No of lines to show in viewpo Number(3, 0) VF Page ViewPO This will display only x lines (x = the number you put into the custom setting) a time on ViewPO; developed due to SF limitations.
Pack from Locations without Entity Checkbox SO, SO Line, Entity, Location Allows user to set Entity at the SO header, but order can be packed with inventory that is in a location with no Entity, otherwise the SO could only be packed with Entity specific locations.
PO Delivery Date Defaults to Today+ Number(18, 0) Purchase Order Override default value for purchase order delivery date field; for example, if you always want the Purchase Order Date to be equal to today plus 3 days, you would enter a 3 into this field. This is useful when there is a delay from when a purchase order is entered until the purchase order is sent to the vendor, whether electronically or through the mail.
Prevent So Packing if Status is Text Area(255) Sales Order The status field (status__c) on the SO is a pick list. This feature allows the user to add more status values to the picklist, and if the PackSO program sees one of these statuses entered into this custom setting equal to the status on the sales order, it will inhibit sales order packing.
Recalculate PO price when vendor changes Checkbox Purchase Order Line If this setting is enabled, then when the vendor changes on Purchase Order, all purchase order lines are reviewed and appropriate trade agreements are applied based on new vendor on PO.
Recalculate Price on SO/PO when cloning Checkbox Sales Order, Purchase Order If this setting is enabled, when cloning a sales order/purchase order, price will be set to 0 so that it will be recalculated instead of copied over from sales order/purchase order cloned.
Recalculate rate when PO is received Checkbox Purchase Order Line If this is enabled, the exchange rate is recalculated on received poline at the time of receiving . Otherwise, it will inherit the rate from purchase order line.
Receive BOM parts on new Lot Checkbox Lot Once this custom setting is enabled, then on receive po page, when receiving a phantom BOM, every part of the BOM will go into a new lot.
Reuse Serial Numbers Checkbox Serial Number Tracker Allows you to receive formerly shipped serial#s back into inventory on RMA; required for Ascent rentals.
Send Confirmation when status is Text(200) Sales Order When this is filled in with a value, which the systems administrator can add to the Sales Order Status field by customizing the Sales Order object, and the sales order status changes to this value, then a confirmation will be sent to the email address as referenced by the contact on the sales order.
Set SO DeliveryCompany by AddressTracker Checkbox Sales Order If this custom setting is enable the Sales Order Delivery Company is set by Address Tracker “Account.Name” on Sales Order insert/update.
Show Descr Input Checkbox Sales Order Line If this is enabled show description as an input on visualforce page when entering sales order lines.
Show Descr Long on Item Ascent Lookup Checkbox Various If this setting is true the column Description Long on AscentLookup page is hidden.
Show Discounted Price on SO Lines view Checkbox Sales Order Line Enable this if you want to see field Discount Price in viewSO page for entering sales order lines.
Show discount on quot lines view vf page Checkbox Quote Line If this is enabled, on the page where you enter quote lines you will see an additional column for Discount.
Show discount on so lines view vf page Checkbox Sales Order Line If this is enabled, on the vf page where you enter sales order lines you will see a column for Discount.
Show Lots with Qty>Qty Pk on Pack Screen Checkbox This custom setting is not used anymore.
Show only Picker sales orders on Mobile Checkbox PickSO on Mobile; SO If this is set, then only those users whose username has been selected in the “Picker” field can perform PickSO on those sales orders; they will get a list when they go to perform PickSO.
Show Print on RMA Lines view Checkbox RMA Lines, Return Lines This custom setting enables the Print button in the Action section at the line level in vf page Return Lines View and RMA Lines View. This permits printed documentation for the line being returned.
Show RMA Line Id Checkbox RMA Lines, Return Lines This is for RMA Lines View and Return Lines View visualforce pages. When this setting is enabled, there will be a new column showing up in these pages that will show RMA or Return Line Id.
Show Save and Refresh button? Checkbox Various pages When this custom setting is enabled, the button “Save&Refresh” is displayed on the custom pages: Sales Order Lines View, Quote Lines View, Opportunity Lines View, Purchase Order Lines View.
By clicking this button, the lines from vf pages are saved and the whole parent pages: Sales Order, Quote, Opportunity, Purchase Order are refreshed.
This feature was developed at the some clients request in order to see the Totals fields updated at the upper level.
Show Serial Number on Packing Slip Checkbox PackSlip If checked, Ascent will print serial#s on the pack slip. If, however, there are a large number of serial#s to be printed, the document could look quite lengthy.
Show Service Items in Docs Checkbox PIcking List, PackSlip Once set, then service items will appear on printed documents like picking list and pack slip.
Show taxable field on line items Checkbox Sales Order Line, OO line, Quote Line if it is set the field Taxable is showed in pages viewso, viewoo, viewquote and also is filled with the value of the field Taxable from Item Master.
Show UM on Pack Slip Checkbox PackSlip If this is set, then the unit of measure will appear on payslips.
Show Unit Quantity Checkbox PackSO, ReceivePO, Process RMA Lines, Process Return Lines, others Enable this custom setting if you want to show total Unit Quantity column on interfaces such as PackSO (packing a sales order), Process RMA Lines / Process Return Lines, ReceivePO (receiving a purchase order), and almost all interfaces where quantity is involved.
Show Vendor Id On PO Checkbox Purchase Order If checked, will print the Alt Vendor ID field on a PO line. The Alt Vendor Item ID (Vendor ID) is a place where some companies put the primary suppliers item number, making it easier for the supplier to understand what the customer is purchasing.
Skip Lot scan in Mobile Menu Pack SO Checkbox Ascent Mobile Menu When this setting is enabled, then on the mobile menu PackSO function, the user will not be asked for lot name if there is only one released lot for that item. If there are more than one lot, then the user is redirected to scan lot screen.
Software Version Length Number(18, 0) Serial Number Tracker Allows user to control how long input for Software Version on PO Receipts would be, assuming you turn on Software Version on item master for serialized items.
SO Ship Date Defaults to Today + Number(18, 0) Sales Order Use this setting to override the default Ship Date value for sales order.
SO Statuses not included in Alloc Qty Text Area(255) Item Master If Sales Orders in a certain status should not be included in Calculation of Allocated Qty in Item Master, please enter into this field those Statuses separated by ; (semi-colon). This is referring to Status field (PBSI__Status__c) on Sales Order object. By Default, Cancelled and Closed orders and not included.
SO Types not included in Alloc Qty Text Area(255) Item Master If there are any types of sales order that should not be included in calculation of Allocated Quantity on Item, please enter here separated by ; . This property is referring to Type field (PBSI__Type__c) from Sales Order object.
Split Trade agreements queries Checkbox Various pages Enable this in orgs where more than 100,000 trade agreements are used You should confer with your Ascent Engagement Manager regarding this setting.
Top Level Custom Settings Text Area(255) This custom setting is not used anymore.
Track ship charged in shipment tracker Checkbox Sales Order, Sales Invoice When this custom setting is enabled, the fields Shipping Cost and Shipping Charged from Sales Order are calculated by summarizing fields Shipping Cost and Shipping Charged from Carton object. It also controls the calculation of Shipping Cost and Shipping Charged when invoices are generated and printed.
Turn off Ascent Auto-Complete Checkbox Various displays If this is enabled, Auto Complete from Ascent is off (is used in all custom pages to view opportunity, quote, process order, sales order). If it is not enabled, then Salesforce AutoComplete often times results in the Ascent Auto Complete to be covered, and not visible.
Update Avg Cost from Drop Ship PO Checkbox Item Master If this is set, then the PO price on a drop ship PO, upon “Complete” on the PO, will be used in recalculating cost on item master, if cost type on item master = “average cost”. Also, if the drop ship PO was created with the custom setting “Use Advanced Drop Ship?” selected, then the receipt of the PO line would also cause recalculating cost on Item Master.
Update cost manually for BOMs Checkbox Item Master Select this if you do not want the costs rolled up from the components to the parent on a BOM. Most companies would not use this custom setting, unless one of the components has a wildly fluctuating price, and that fluctuation would cause the cost of the BOM to change very frequently, and might not be desirable. It would be selected if a company wishes to have their costs frozen and never change if a component cost or quantity changes.
Update Inventory by Drop Ship PO Lines Checkbox Inventory Detail, Item Master, Movement Line If this custom setting is enabled, then when the drop ship lines are received, the item’s inventory is properly updated by them.
Update sales price manually for BOMs Checkbox Item Master, BOM Select this if you do not want the sales prices rolled up from the components to the parent on a BOM; this is typically what Ascent customers use, as their marketing departments set sales prices. Low level components that are not sold to clients usually don’t have prices, therefore, rolling up the prices to higher level BOMs may not make sense.
Update Ship Date on each shipment Checkbox Sales Order Check this if you want to update sales order ship date every time a sales order is packed. This will give you the latest date that any item from this sales order will have shipped.
Update Ship Date when all Lines Shipped Checkbox Sales Order When all items are shipped, change the ship date on the sales order to today’s date; this can act in conjunction with Update Ship Date on each shipment.
Update SO Line Location from SO Location Checkbox This custom setting is no longer used in Ascent.
Use 2 Dec Round Prices on Credit Memo Checkbox Credit Memo Enable this field if you want credit memo to use price rounded at 2 decimals when calculating totals.
Use 2 Dec Round Prices on So/Quote/Opp Checkbox Opportunity, Quote, Sales Order Enable this field if you want sales orders, quotes and opportunities to use discounted price rounded at 2 decimals when calculating totals.
Use Account as Delivery for PO Checkbox Purchase Order Enable this setting if you want your purchase orders delivery address to default to Account set up as “Default Delivery for Purchase Orders?” instead of Company Info. Often times, the “Company Information” address is for corporate headquarters, not the location a company would want the material on a purchase order to be delivered to, so this option, if turned on, coupled with displaying the field “Default Delivery for Purchase Orders?” on the Accounts object and checking it off, will use that account’s address in lieu of the “Company Information” address.
Use Alternate Invoice Name on Form Checkbox Multi-SO Invoice Print By enabling this setting, and if the client puts the field Alternate Invoice Name on the Sales Invoice screen, and enters a value into it, then the Print Multi-SO Invoice button on the Sales Invoice will print an invoice and substitute the value entered into that field for the regular invoice name (which had the format SI-nnnnnn).
Use ATP by Locations Checkbox Sales Order Line If this setting = true at level line ATP will be calculated by Location on that line ( for view page on opportunity, quote, purchase order, sales order).
Use Available for Building Checkbox Item Master Check this if you want the Available for Building calculations turned on. Also make sure to activate the Workflow called “av for building”, as it is deactivated by default.
Use Carton for packedSOLine Checkbox This custom setting is no longer used in Ascent.
Use Combined Allocated Qty and MOH for M Checkbox Master Planner Minimum on Hand (from Item Master, as are all the other fields in this equation) – [Qty on Hand + Qty on Order – Allocated Qty] = Master Planner Reorder Amount. Remember that the Qty on Hand field on the item master does not include inventory that is in a location that is not counted in inventory. Qty on Order includes not only purchase orders, but also production work orders. Allocated Qty includes quantities on sales orders that have not yet been packed as well as quantities on BOM Depletion Lines on production work orders.
Use Contact Lookup on Email Form Checkbox Sales Order, Purchase Order If this is enabled, then the email which appears on the sales order or purchase order will come from the Contact that is referenced on either order type.
Use Cost(4 dec) on Item Master Checkbox Item Master By enabling this custom setting, Ascent will use the Cost(4) field on the Item Master as opposed to the Cost field, which has only 2 decimal place accuracy. This means that the Cost field will not be used in Ascent. It does not mean that both fields can be used, because Ascent will look to this setting to determine which field should be used. If this is chosen, then the Cost field should be removed from the Item Master page layout.
Use Discount 2 decimals on SOLine Checkbox Sales Order Line This custom setting is no longer required to be set since Ascent was enhanced to allow for standard 2 decimal place discounts.
Use From Location on RMA Return Checkbox RMA (Case), Returns Use this setting if you want to make sure all the product that your customers will be returning will go into the same location you packed out from. Caution should be taken here if the material being returned is one that would need inspection first. Often times, the ship from location is a regular finished goods inventory location, and you may not want returned material defaulting to a finished goods inventory location.
Use in ATP SOs w. ship date in last : Number(4, 0) Sales Order Line, Item Master If a value is entered here, then when calculating ATP, we will take in consideration only sales orders with a ship date in last n days where n is the number entered here.
Use Inventory Cost for Recorded Cost Checkbox Packed Sales Order Line The system will choose the cost that comes from the inventory record, that is accessible through the item master record and that cost field will be used for the recorded cost field on the packed so line field.
Use Inventory Detail Cost for Adjustment Checkbox Movement Line It uses inventory cost in transaction cost for the movement line that gets created for the inventory adjustment. I believe you want this true but you’ll know when you test in the sandbox.
Use Item’s Cost in Purchase Order Lines Checkbox PO Line If this is enabled, when adding purchase order lines, always use Item’s Cost regardless of item’s cost type. However, if there exists a trade agreement where the price is less than the item cost, and it would apply to the purchase order based on the vendor, quantity, unit of measure, and date from/to, then the trade agreement price would override the item cost.
Use Item Condition Checkbox Location, Sales Order Line, Return Line, Serial Number Tracker Item Condition is used when processing RMA lines and Returns. RMA/return line has a field called condition. depending on what value this field has, the processed item is received in a lot/location with the same condition as the line condition – as the Location has also a field called Condition.
Use level,bin,slot for inventory Checkbox This custom setting is no longer used.
Use Line Order to Sort Bom Lines Checkbox Item Master / BOM / BOM Components Picks the order of the BOM components based on the line order from the BOM Record rather than the order they were added to the page.
Use Lot Average Cost for Recorded Cost Checkbox Movement Lines, Packed Sales Order Line The system will choose the cost that comes from the Lot average cost field, that is accessible at the Lot record. The Lot Average cost field will be used for the recorded cost field on the packed so line field.
Use Lot Purchase Price for Recorded Cost Checkbox Movement Lines, Packed Sales Order Line The system will choose the cost that comes from the Lot average cost field, that is accessible at the Lot record. The Lot Average cost field will be used for the recorded cost field on the packed so line field.
Use lot purchase price on Movement Line Checkbox Movement Lines If this setting is enabled, lot purchase price is used as transaction cost on movement line when movement line is generated from Inventory Adjustment, Item Movement, Count Journals, or Transfer Posting Location to Location.
Use Multiple Companies? Checkbox Various forms This custom setting was developed for a single client, and requires Ascent Engagement Manager guidance. It was used if the company had multiples companies in a single org, and wanted to use each company’s logo on all forms.
Use Not Counted Loc on Receive and Pack Checkbox Received PO Lines, Packed Sales Order Line Allows you to pack from a location which is “Not Counted in Inventory” and receive to it. Caution should be taken when enabling this custom setting. You could potentially pack from an inspection location, a discrepant material location, or a quarantine location.
Use Pallets? Checkbox Assorted areas If enabled, you can optionally use pallets to track inventory, receive it, move it, pack it; a pallet can have 1 item, 1 location, 1 lot. You cannot have more than one item, location, or lot referenced on a pallet. If an item has a Max Pallet Qty field filled in with this custom setting enabled, then receiving a PO for this item, based on quantity received, can create multiple pallet records. For example, if Max Pallet Qty = 100, and you receive 247, then Ascent will create 3 pallets, the first two for 100 each, and the third for 47.
Use Parent Groups in Trade Agreements Checkbox Trade Agreement Check this field if you want to use parent groups when defining trade agreements. This will allow a group of customers under a parent group to take advantage of a higher level of pricing.
Use Price 4 dec on Sales Order Lines Checkbox SO Line Use 4 decimal place prices for SO pricing; can come from item master, trade agreements, or manually keyed in. If this is enabled, the 2 decimal price field is not used.
Use Purchase Price(4dec) on Item Master Checkbox Item Master Use 4 decimal place value for Last purchase price and PO pricing from item master. If this is enabled, the 2 decimal price field is not used.
Use Purchase Price 4 dec on PO Line Checkbox PO Line Use 4 decimal place prices for PO pricing; can come from item master, trade agreements, or manually keyed in. If this is enabled, the 2 decimal price field is not used.
Use qty 6 decimal places Checkbox Assorted areas where quantities are displayed If this setting is enabled then use 6 decimals qty in all the interfaces. For most companies, this should not be enabled, in that when displaying a whole number, like 37, it will be displayed as 37.000000.
Use Qty 7 Checkbox This custom setting is no longer used.
Use Quarantined Lots in Transfer Orders Checkbox Transfer Orders If this setting is enabled you can see Quarantined lots in Transfer Orders – Ship and Receive.
Use Sales Price(4 dec) on Item Master Checkbox Item Master / SO / PO If this setting is enabled, then the system will use the 4 decimal place price field from the item master. The 2 decimal price field will not then be used.
Use Serial Number Detail Checkbox Serial Number Tracker, Serial Number Detail If this custom setting is checked, then every time activity occurs for a serial#, a new record of the activity gets written out to the Serial Number Detail object. This becomes very useful when analyzing returns for an item.
Use Ship Lot for SOLine Checkbox SO Line If this is enabled, Pack SO screen will display a new column for ship lot and the shipment will move the shipped qty into this lot.
Use Short Item Description Checkbox Item Master Uses the short item description for the item master rather than the long item description. If this is enabled, remove the item description (long) from the page layout.
Use SO Line Cost for Recorded Cost Checkbox Movement Line if it is set the Recorded Cost from SO line is used in created movement line when SO line is packed.
Use SO Ship Date on SO Line Checkbox SO Line if is set Estimated Ship Date on SO line is filled with the field Sales Order Ship Date from SO line.
Use So Ship Loc for Delivery Address Checkbox Sales Order If this is enabled, when user selects a Ship to Location on Sales Order, delivery address will be driven from that location.
Use Standard Order Qty as default for PO Checkbox Item Master / Purchase Order Automatically populates the Standard Quantity of the item master on the PO when a PO is generated from MP or SPP. Default behaviour is to pick up the quantity required from the demand.
Use start and end serial on Receiving Checkbox Serial Numbers / PO Changes the receive PO screen so that users can enter the start and end serial numbers rather than each individual serial number.
Use Tax 2 On Sales Order Checkbox Sales Order If this setting is enabled, Final Order total will include the value of field Tax 2 from sales order.
Use tax codes Checkbox SO Line, Invoice Line, Opportunity Line, Quote Line, Credit Note Line If this setting is enabled, we fill the Tax Code on SO line, Invoice Line, Opportunity Line, Quote Line, Credit Note Line and calculate Sales Tax.
Use Tax Codes on PO/VI Checkbox PO Line, Vendor Invoice Line If this setting is enabled, we fill the Tax Code on PO line and VI line and calculate Sales Tax.
Use Trade Agreements as Price Book in PO Checkbox PO, PO Line Check this if you want Trade Agreements to apply regardless of item cost and only taking in consideration of TA’s price.
Use Trade Agreements as Price Book in SO Checkbox SO, SO Line Check this if you want Trade Agreements to apply regardless of item sales price and only taking in consideration sales order Customer Account.
Use User Location? Checkbox Sales Order Line, Quote Line If this is enabled, we are filling Location on SO line and quote line with the location from User Location for current user, and also is used in ATP calculation only for this location.
Use Wholesale Price Checkbox Sales Order Line, Quote Line, Opp Line Check this if your Organization uses Wholesale and Retail Prices.
Use zero price on POLine when no TA Checkbox PO Line If this is enabled, then when adding PO Lines from the PO Lines view interface, if the item has no trade agreement, zero price is used instead of item master price.
Use Returns And Cases for RMA Case, Return Creates a matching Case and Return record when trying to return items. 1 to 1 relationship between returns and cases.
Use Returns Return, Return Line, Return Archive Line Allows users to use the Returns object in lieu of CASE. Does not need a full Salesforce license.
Auto Cancel SO When All Lines Cancelled Checkbox SO, SO Line If all lines on a sales order are cancelled, you may want the sales order status to also read as cancelled. This feature, if activated, allows that to occur.
Calculate Allocated Qty for Item Locator Checkbox Item Locator, Item Master This allows the Allocated Qty field on item locator to be updated when, on a sales order, you 1) enter the Location on the SO and then 2) allocate the order. You can then see what’s “spoken for” at the item locator level.
Confirm Po creation in SPP with qoo Checkbox Purchase Order, Purchase Order Lines, PWO Once enabled, when in Sales Purchase Planner, creating POs or PWOs, and if the selected item(s) have a quantity on order to cover this request, a confirmation page will be displayed where the user can confirm that PO or PWO creation.
Count Quarantined Lots in QOh Checkbox Item Master This setting allows the quantities in any quarantined lot to be eligible to be counted in the item quantity on hand field, assuming the location is one whose quantities are included in the quantity on hand calculation (see location field for “Count in Inventory”). If this setting is left blank, then any quantities in a quarantined lot will not be counted in the quantity on hand calculation.
Decimal Precision This custom setting is no longer used.
Default Quantity on Mobile Pack SO When using the Ascent Mobile Menu function to pack a sales order, the default quantity that will appear will be equal to what is entered into this field. If a company typically packs one (1) of their items, then by entering a 1 into this field, the picker will not have to enter that quantity. If course, this quantity can be overridden if something other than this quantity is being packed.
Disable beforeInsertInvoice Trigger The default setting (meaning the setting is not checked) will add the delivery address, billing address, sales tax, tax code, shipping cost and miscellaneous charges to the sales invoice. If the invoice date is greater than the due date, ake the due date equal to the invoice date. If this setting is enabled (meaning the setting is checked) then none of those fields will be filled in.
Display Comment Field on View RMA Lines Checkbox RMA Lines, Return Lines Once enabled, a comment field will appear when adding/changing/deleting an RMA Line. This could be useful to specify why material is being returned.
Do not ask for SN# attr. for PWO Checkbox If enabled, then when packing a sales order line with a serialized item, the attributes (MAC Address, Software Version, Hardware Version, Firmware Version, and/or Software Key) will not be prompted, as well as when completing a PWO, the components which are serialized will also not be prompted for any of the attributes. These attributes are typically only known the personnel receiving the PO or completing the PWO (for the BOM only).
Do not set Location By Lot on SNT Insert Checkbox When this custom setting is enabled, if you create a serial# with a lot and no location, the location will not be set to the lot’s location. IF this is disabled, which is the default setting, the location is set by the lot’s location.
Do not subtract qoh on SO Planner Checkbox PO, PO Line If selected, then when creating POs on Sales Purchase Planner, they will be created for the exact quantity as on the sales order, without checking the quantity on hand on the item master and subtracting from that required quantity. This would be enabled if the company created replenishment orders based on exact requirements.
Edit Po/Pwos before creation on MP Checkbox PO, PO Line, PWO, BOM Depletion Line If enabled, after selecting Create PO or Create PWO on Master Planner, the system allows you to change the quantities on the PO Lines or on the PWO before approving them and creating POs or PWOs. You may wish to change the suggested quantities due to outside information not available to Master Planner, like a very large opportunity a sales rep might have, but hasn’t been entered into Ascent yet.
Fieldset for Profile SO Lines This is used for defining different field sets for different profiles, for the viewsowithfieldset page. Please discuss usage with your Ascent Engagement Manager.
From Location on Transfer Order Planner Transfer Order Planner This setting is used for parent item locators list filtering. If you will specify a location name here, the system will query a location by that name, and after that will query a list of item locators by that location Id.
Item for Bulk Shipping This custom setting is no longer used.
Number of Lines to show in Receive PO Number (4,0) Receive PO screen The number you fill in here will be the number of PO lines that appear when you perform Receive PO on the Purchase Order tab. If you enter 7, then 7 PO lines will appear at a time to be received. This will allow you to customized the screen display to suit your company’s needs.
Parenthetical Currency Checkbox Various screens If this is checked, then for those ORGs that do NOT use multi-currency, the currency symbol (for example, $) is displayed rather than the currency name (USD).
Picking Work Order Lines Use Lot Rules Checkbox Work Order Packing screen Once enabled, a work order that is created from a sales order will use the same picking rules that have been established in Admin Settings under Lot Settings “Lot Sort Order on Sales Order Packing” – FIFO (First In First Out), FEFO (First Expiring First Out), LIFO (Last in First Out), Name Ascending, or Highest Quantity.
Rollup Min Qty on Hand For Item Locator Checkbox Item Locators, Transfer Orders Used for Transfer Order Planner; allows you to roll up values form the child item locators to the source location item locators for reporting and inventory load balancing. The totals for Min on Hand, Quantity on Hand and GAP for the Item Locator for a Source Location will be calculated from the child location values.
Show Config setup on Item Config screen Checkbox SO Configuration Process screen When you are using item configurations, you have an option, if this custom setting is enabled, to see all of the item configuration groups you have set up for this item, and be allowed to select any one that you wish to actually configure, rather than, when this is not enabled, being shown every item within every configurable group. This setting can reduce unnecessary scrolling through screens and checking/unchecking items.
Show additional Lot fields on Pack SO Checkbox Seen during PackSO process. When enabled, Ascent will display additional information about the lot that you are hovering over when the Lines Packed for this order display is shown.
Show item family on view PO page Checkbox PO Line When this is enabled, and when the validation rule “Iten_cannot_be_null” is deactivated, then the item family field can be displayed and entered. Some companies would use this when they wish to tell their vendor that they want to buy a product, but don’t have the specific item number for the product (maybe it hasn’t been developed yet), so they create a product family, and use that name in the item family field, leaving the item number blank. Then, once the vendor confirms the item can be supplied, the user can create an item number, and once that’s done, can enter the item number into the item field on the PO line.
TO Due Date Offset Num Days Number (4,0) Transfer Order Ascent will take the number of days entered into this field and add them to the Order Date to arrive at a Due Date for the transfer order.
Use Advanced Drop Ship Checkbox SO, SO Line, PO, PO Line, Serial Number Tracker, Serial Number Details, Inventory Detail, Movement Lines With this feature enabled, drop ship purchase orders have much additional functionality. You will see vendor on the PackSO screen, and can assign/change to whom the purchase order will be assigned. A PO will be created, however, you will be able to actually receive lines on the PO, resulting in movement lines being created (one receipt line and one packed SO line for each PO receipt done, bringing inventory into stock and immediately removing it from stock) as well as updating inventory, the SO Line (Quantity Packed, Quantity Left to Pack), and if the item was serialized, you will be able to record the serial# of the item being drop shipped, which is particularly important for companies who distribute medical devices.
Use Entities Checkbox Various By enabling this, you are allowing Entities to be used, which can restrict users to using only those Entities for which they have been given access, via the “User Entities” tab. This can be used to tie inventory and financial transactions to a specific Entity while separating transactions from other Entities.
Use Landed Cost? Checkbox Various objects If checked, then wherever ItemCost or ItemCost(4) are used, Total Landed Cost would be used instead. Also, wherever Lot.Purchase Price or Lot.Purchase Price(4) are used, Lot.Average Cost would be used instead.
Use Tax Rates Checkbox PO, PO Line, SO, SO Line If this is enabled, then the Tax Rates object (use the Tax Rates tab) will be used for tax calculation purposes.
Calculate Tax at Line Items on PO/VI Checkbox PO, PO Line, VI, VIL Once checked, if a Tax Rate Code is on the PO or VI, then the system will assign the same tax code to the PO Line, and will calculate the tax value on the PO Line and add it to the Total Line Tax field on the PO. Using Ascent Tax Rate codes is useful if the company does not sell or purchase in many jurisdictions and can manually handle adding/updating those tax codes.
Move to Location in Bulk Move Checkbox Movement Lines, Lots, Inventory, Item Master Once enabled, any item movement will result in a lot to location move rather than a lot to lot move.
Do not Allow Qty Change when Packing BOM Checkbox BOM Depletion Lines, Packed SO Line If this is enabled, then you will not be allowed to change the quantity of any BOM component when packing out an SO. As a result, you can keep the original BOM quantity integrity, not allowing the individual quantities to be changed.
Dont close return if it has Open Lines Checkbox Case, Return If a return is linked to a CASE, and the CASE is closed, if this setting is enabled, the return will remain open and will not close until all lines are processed. Often times, a company will use a CASE as the initiation point for a return, and a return will be created and linked to the CASE. Once the disposition of the CASE is determined, the customer service rep may close the case, however, the material may not have been returned, hence, the need to keep the return open.
Enable quote currency clone Checkbox Quote If this is set, then when you clone a quote, the process also clones the currency from the clone-from quote to the newly cloned quote.
Dont make SO on Return Line insert Checkbox SO, SO Line This setting is used to disable the sales order creation when a Return line with type Replace-From Order is added or updated. Important: for those ORGs that have the Ascent Rental extension installed and have the custom setting “Create new order for Replacement RMA” enabled, this setting must be enabled in order to create the correct sales order purpose.
Do Not Allow CC to swap SN between items Checkbox Count Line, Serial Number Tracker If this is enabled, then when doing a cycle count, you cannot scan a serial number that belongs to item A and assign it to item B. This will assist in inhibiting the user from scanning like items and their serial numbers incorrectly.
Show MP demand by Locations Checkbox Master Planner tab If you are entering locations on SO Lines or Contract Manufacturing Purchase Order Lines, and wish to see this demand grouped by location, enable this setting.
Make New Count Journal for each count Checkbox Count Journal, Count Lines If multiple personnel are performing cycle counts, and you wish to have each person maintain their own count journal, rather than each of them adding lines to the same count journal, enable this setting. As a result, each “counter” will have their own count journal, allowing supervisors to more easily monitor activity and individual count journal accuracy.
Use Container on Single Sales Order. Checkbox Sales Order For those companies that use containers, this setting, if enabled, would prohibit the use of a container on multiple sales orders. An error message will occur if you try to reference a container on Sales Order “B” that was used on Sales Order “A”.
Show Confirmation Screen on Mobile Menu Checkbox Ascent Mobile Menu screens When in Ascent Mobile Menu, by having this setting turned on, you will be given a confirmation message once a transaction is completed. Currently, the message is only enabled for Cycle Counts and Inventory Adjustments.
Apply discount amount to Line Price Checkbox SO Line, Quote Line, Opportunity Line If this setting is enabled, then the discount amount will be applied to the SO Line Price, Quote Line Price, and the Opportunity Line Price, instead of the line total. The discount amount will be subtracted from the price, and the result will be multiplied by the line quantity.
Remove Ascent Logo Mobile Menu Checkbox Ascent Mobile Menu screens When in Ascent Mobile Menu, by having this setting turned on, you will no longer see the Ascent logo. Currently, this feature is only enabled for Cycle Counts and Inventory Adjustments.
Ignore Exp Date when Staging Checkbox Lots, Staging SO Line If this is enabled, then, when staging a sales order, the system will not create a new staging lot, if a lot already exists for the item and location, even though the expiration date is not the same as the new lot expiration date.
Include Active Quotes in Planner Data Checkbox Planner Data tab If checked, then when you go to the Planner Data tab, the button called “Generate MP Data”, after execution, will then include Active Quotes.
Include Opportunities in Planner Data Checkbox Planner Data tab If checked, then when you go to the Planner Data tab, the button called “Generate MP Data”, after execution, will then include Opportunities.
Allow Shipping from Not Counted in T.O. Checkbox Inventory Detail, Transfer Order Line If this setting is enabled, then you can pack out a transfer order from a not counted in inventory location. This could be useful if you are sending all of your inspected, but rejected goods from a location which is classified as not counted in inventory, to another location, and require paperwork via a transfer order.
Disable Trade Agreements on Quote Lines Checkbox Quote Lines This feature allows you to inhibit trade agreements from coming into play on quote lines, simply by checking the box. This gives the sales or customer service reps to enter whatever price is appropriate at the time of quoting.
Don’t Allow Duplicate Lots Creation Checkbox Lots When checked, Ascent will not allow duplicate lots in the same location to be created for the same item.
Don’t Create Default Lots On New Items Checkbox Lots When checked, Ascent will disable lot creation on new item creation (only when lot usage is disabled).
Do not set price on Quote Line Checkbox Quote Lines If this is enabled, Sales Price will not be updated by Ascent code – it will remain zero. Use this feature if you want to populate the Sales Price on the quote line with your own code.
Do not calculate ATP on viewso page Checkbox ViewSO Page If this is checked, then ATP will not be calculated on the ViewSO (View Sales Order Lines) page. This can be checked if the ViewSO page is taking too much time or resources or giving errors due to too many rows of data being retrieved.
Disable BOM depletion Lines add on sales Checkbox BOM Depletion Lines If this setting is checked, then no BOM Depletion Lines will be created when using a BOM-Phantom on a Sales Order Line. This setting should only be enabled after consulting with an Ascent Solutions engagement manager to discuss the ramifications of this feature.
Shipping Tax is same as SO Tax Checkbox Sales Order, Sales Invoice If this is selected, then for Sales Invoice and Sales order, the Tax on Shipping will be equal to the Shipping Cost * Sales Tax / 100.
Default Quantity when adding SOL/OL Number (16,2) SO Line, Opportunity Line If a quantity is entered into this field, then whatever quantity you enter will be the default Quantity Needed on the Sales Order Line or Opportunity Line. This could be quite useful if, for example, a company sells the same quantity of goods on every order line, or at least on a consistent number of lines, this resulting in less keystrokes.
Ascent2ffVersion Installed in Org This custom setting is no longer used.
Move inv. From/To Quarantine Lot Checkbox Inventory Detail, Movement Lines, Lots After enabling this setting, you will be able to move inventory to and from quarantined lots.
Dont Allow Mod BomComp Qty-Complete PWO Checkbox BOM Depletion Lines If this setting is enabled, the user will not be allowed to change the quantities on BOM Depletion lines when completing a PWO. This is useful when only the exact quantities of components can be consumed when completing/building a BOM.
Disable CaseActions Trigger Checkbox CASE When enabled, the CASE status is not updated when RMA Lines are processed. This is useful when a different department creates the CASE than the one that processes the RMA/Return Lines.
Use Ship Date from SOLIne on forms Checkbox PackSlip, Ship Confirm Once enabled, then the system will use the Ship Date from the SO Line on printed forms, rather than Actual Pack Date from the SO Line. This Ship Date will now print on the packslip and the ship confirm.
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