Rental Set Up
Overview This document will serve as a primer for creating an Ascent Rental organization. It requires, at a minimum, the Ascent for Salesforce package, also known as Ascent ERP, the Ascent Rental package, changes to many page layouts, along with Custom Settings and rental specific data requirements on trade agreements and locations. Optionally, if financial transactions are required, installation and configuration of AFP (Ascent Financial Package) and ARF (Ascent Rental Financials) are necessary.
Installation: these applications must be installed in order for Ascent Rentals to function:
- Ascent4Salesforce (Ascent ERP)
- Ascent Rental
Optionally, these packages can be installed if you require financial transactions to be created:
- Ascent Financial Package (AFP)
- Ascent Rental Financials (ARF)
Your Ascent Engagement Manager or Ascent Business Partner can perform the installation of the latest and most appropriate versions of the above mentioned packages.
Page Layouts Ascent Rental package requires that many of the regular Ascent for Salesforce page layouts get customized to reflect rental related features. This section will review each of them in detail and will show the enhanced rental page layout with the fields required to be added.
Location: the rental package uses additional fields to determine whether the location is a rental location or not, and whether this location should be “Counted in Inventory”.
Fields to add:
- Is Customer Location – this field indicates if this location is a customer location, which means that it was created as a result of packing material to this customer.
- Type – this field states whether this location is a rental location.
Type field has these attributes. If blank or set to Sale, it is a sales location. If set to Rent, then it is a rental location.
Item Master: the item master page layout needs to be changed not only to reflect new rental related fields, but new related lists.
Fields to add:
- ATP Fulfillment Offset # of Days – used in calculating ATP for shipping fulfillment
- ATP Return Offset # of Days – used in calculated return of material for ATP calculation
- Delay Monthly Price – similar to QR Delay Unit Price
- Item Purpose – values can be –None–, Both, Sale, or Rent. –None– or Sale both mean this item is to be sold only. Rent means this item can only be rented. Both means that this item can be rented or sold.
- Monthly Price – in the absence of a trade agreement, this price is what will be used if the order type is “Monthly”.
- QR Delay Unit Price – this price is what gets billed if the unit is returned past the return date.
- QR Event Price – in the absence of any trade agreement for this item, this field contains the default price when the opportunity/quote/sales order type is “Event”.
- QR Unit – Defaults to Day
- QR Unit Price – this is the unit price if you choose the “Daily” QR Period and do not have a trade agreement for this item.
- Rental Quantity on Hand – this is the quantity of inventory that resides in a location that has a type of “rent”.
- Rental Quantity on Order – this is the sum of quantities on all “RPOs” – Rental Purchase Orders, that get created as a result of running Rental Master and selecting Create RPO.
These fields can be added to a new section, called “Rental Information”, but of course, they can be put anywhere on the layout.
Trade Agreement: new types of trade agreements exist in the rental package.
First, you have to go to Object Manager and make a change to the field called “Applies To”:
Click Trade Agreement and get this next screen:
Click Fields & Relationships and get this:
Click on field Label “Applies To”:
Scroll down to Values, select New and type in “Rental Order”, click Save:
Fields to add: QR Period – this indicates what the billing cycle will be. It can be:
Trade Agreement page layout:
Opportunity: Mobile & Lightning Actions, VF pages and fields to add
You need to add Ascent Rental Mobile & Lightning Actions to the layout: Create Rental Quote and Create Rental Order
You need to remove the Opportunity Sales Lines VF Page viewOO, from the page layout
You should add a new Rental Information section and associated rental fields:
- Purpose – can be Sale, Rent, Combined (both Sale and Rent on one order), Loan (can be zero priced), Re-Rental Return Order or Return Problem
- Period – can be Daily, Weeky, 28-Day, Monthly, Yearly, Event, 28-Day Single Shift, or 30-Day
- Duration – this equates to the number of Periods this rental order is for
- Delivery Date Out – this is when the material should be shipped out the door
- Return Date In – this is when the material should be returned
- Event Start Date – the start of the event, if Period equals Event
- Event End Date – the end date of the event, if Period equals Event
- Return Condition – manually entered field, could be the condition the material is in upon return
Save and go to the Opportunity Object. Look for the Setup wheel icon and click on Edit Page
Go to the tabs and add a new one called “Opportunity Lines”
Go to the new tab created and add to Visualforce components choosing the VF pages:
- RentalOpportunityLines and SalesOpportunityLines
Repeat the same steps for the Quote and Sales Order objects
Make sure you are selecting the correct VF pages:
- Quote
- RentQuoteLines and SaleQuoteLines
- Sales Order
- RentalLinesView and ViewSO
Here is how the Sales Order Lightning page rental details could look: